I heard so many issues related with such woman. Who been framed by her own relative, been cheat with anynomous person when there is a gap of advantage. Things going all wrong as she just an old lady who doesn't have anyone on her back. Plus, things might become worst day by day as her ex husband, who 80's ages shouting , screaming at her , on her face, didn't care on anyone been crowded whom wants to know what going around.
But, he might thought she just a lonely old lady and that's the reason he keep on yelling at her. Telling how pathetic she was. However, most of the crowds have sound mind who feel terrible of what has had happened facing this old lady.
When time has come, the mean guy had had a mistake with a wrong guy and yet he hav bring all his crony and yet letting him down as they did not care.
Once I see his face, I know he feel terrible as all crony before this keep on waiting this moment as want to find the convenience time to knock him out.
He get the suit fighter for him as, again, it happened just at front of this old lady house.
God is almighty